
Auckland: Take the Train around Auckland

Sunday, January 24, 2016

I used to think the transport system in Auckland complicated and inefficient. I'd never figured out its bus routes, its zoning boundaries. I preferred to stick to walking as much as possible. But Auckland is so spread apart, you'd have to get your head around the transport system at one point or another. 
This time back in Auckland, I love the new train system. There are only four routes so far, which makes it easier to understand, but the maps are also clearly marked in the trains and stations - which I hope all the bus stations would follow suit, as well. The trains are new and clean, making it a more pleasant travelling experience.
You can use the same Auckland Transport Hop cards as for the buses to tag on before boarding the train then tag off before leaving the station to your final destination. 
Once the train arrives on the platform, push the green button to open the door once it starts flashing. 
Whenever I look for a new home in any city, I make sure that I will be close to public transports. After a car accident a few years ago I still get quite uneasy on the roads, plus it's much better to train into town than to waste time searching for car parking space. Walking is always better, but I've become more prone to sleeping in in the mornings lately. Next challenge would be to finally become more confident at biking, but, again, I'll need to get over the fear of cars - it's going to take a while. 

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