
Ready, get set -

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The half marathon is finally approaching, J-3. What have I done to myself? Haha, excited and scared at the same time. I've spent the past few months trying to put off going for runs as much as possible, but at the same time, I really enjoy running - with others. Fortunately L has always been there to force me onwards, listening to my crazy puffed singings, my life drama/complaints in general.. Muchas gracias, L! Can't wait to cross that line together on Saturday/Sunday!

On the other hand, the move to London is just as fast approaching.

Things checked off:
  • flight booked
  • couch space for the first couple of days
Things to get under way:
  • pack 
  • arrange apartment visits for next week - I've started scrounging on gumtree.co.uk, spareroom.co.uk, various FB groups, etc. 
Things to do first week in London:
  • get an Oyster card for public transport
  • find apartment - hopefully won't be too difficult. A keeps scaring me saying it'll take awhile, but I'm not looking for a luxurious hotel room. It did take me awhile in Bordeaux, but I'm staying positive
  • fly to Milan for the weekend - so could have been better timed, but it wasn't up to me. 
Let's get going!

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