
Fresh week with fresh juice

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's officially my last week in Bordeaux, and I am busy celebrating, packing, making last minute lists - to see everyone, to cross off those few remaining items on the to-do list.

On Saturday I went for a refreshing run with B - so sad I'm going to miss his concert next month! He keeps tempting me to stay for longer. Haha, these mixed feelings. You aren't making it easier on me, B.

Sunday started off with a freshly squeezed orange juice, like the one A keeps ordering me to take every morning. I'm still working on that. Maybe I'll have succeeded by the time we finally meet again, A. I can't wait.

This weekend, my appetite arrived back with the beautiful weather. So I'm feeling and eating better now. Thank goodness. I have started going through my things to take with me to London/leave behind in Bordeaux. Sell bike - check. This in the give away box. That in the throw away box. And those? Decisions, decisions.

Changes ahead! Bring it on.

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