Auckland: Michael Joseph Savage Memorial Park

Sunday, March 09, 2014

A bit of history. Michael Joseph Savage is pretty famous in New Zealand. Or should be, since there is a park named after him. For every child who has received NZ schooling should know, he was the first Labour Prime Minister of New Zealand, and a pretty popular one at that. 
To get here: It's on the way to Mission Bay. Cruise down Tamaki Drive, until you see a sign on your right. 
Michael Joseph Savage led the country through the Depression and the early years of the Second World War, until his death in 1940. He is buried at Bastion Point here, also historic for a major Maori Protest in the 1970s, againt land confiscated from them by the Crown with the Treaty of Waitangi.
It's a lovely land, especially on a sunny day. A beautifully clear view of the symmetrical volcanic Rangitoto Island.

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