Coffee place: Hum salon

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Long walks through Auckland city, up the rise to Parnell then around to the Domain... of course I'm going to get thirsty. It wasn't the sunniest of days but I had really wanted to lounge in the gardens of Hum Salon by Grafton Bridge for months, so this was going to be the day to do it, please. 

A and I had hot chocolates. Could only taste warm milk though, because most of the chocolate had sunk down to the bottom, haha. It is nice having a lazy day from time to time... Then these group of people came around the corner, all with their eyes glued to various black machines, clicking away at the shutters, pointing their lenses towards the hut, the house, the trees, and, I'm pretty sure, us. Hmm, self conscious, much?

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