Sempé exposition

Friday, December 09, 2011

I have been wanting to see this exposition for a few weeks now, but had never gotten around to doing it because I couldn't find the right time to go with friends - who are too busy working or preparing for their exams. So, I just went by myself. I had to wait in line, in the wet coldness, for around an hour before it was our turn to get in, finally. The other people in the queue were mostly elderly men and women, probably retired, and French.

Sempé is a famous illustrator, after all, well known and beloved. Most of you will know him as the illustrator of the little naughty French school boy, le Petit Nicholas. He has also been doing the covers for the New Yorker for many, many years. 

It was interesting to see how he planned his drawings. He uses simple clean lines, often with just normal ink pen.

Even once inside there was a queue. Slow activity down the line. It took us ages to get in, we are going to see every little detail of the expo, everyone seemed to be thinking. 

Ah, Paris. On a beautiful day, may I add. It's downright gloomy these days. 

I was interested by how he depicted movement.

He is humorous and witty.

Another comparison. How he simplified a delicate chandelier...

When it normally looks a little like this:

Watercolour balloons. Aren't they beautiful and nostalgic?

I am glad I came. The exposition is at Hotel de Ville until the beginning of February, I think. It's also free, so check it out, if interested.

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