
Smart Living Tip: DIY Wood & Steel Desk

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Look, guys! I have a new desk! 

I have been in need of a workstation for ages. I thought a chair would be enough, from which to read and journal. Found out that a stable surface to work from is really important. Working from the communal dining table in the living room is fine, until it's not - when you need to concentrate, when there are visitors (not mine) who want to hang out in the living room, when you need to keep away from the temptations of the kitchen pantry... 
How cute is this? After a long hunt for a desk that I liked, I decided it would be easier to just build my own. Plus, my room is tiny, so it was much easier to custom make my own than have it made by a professional.
All I needed was two pieces of wood, cut to size, and pipes or varying lengths. The pipes were screwed on first, then they in turn were screwed onto the woods. 
As a precaution, paddings were super-glued onto the four steel disk feet, so they won't scratch the wooden floor. 
So simple and such a fun little project. Definitely getting my DIY mojo on this year!

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