
Melbourne: Top 5 Melbourne Memories

Friday, June 20, 2014

I have an announcement to make: Today is my last day in Melbourne. Whaaattt?

I haven't even been here a year, and I'm already moving out. I would have like to stay a bit longer - my original plan had been three years, after all - but a new opportunity is taking me elsewhere, it seems. It's been exactly ten months since I moved to Melbourne last year. Ten months is still quite a long time, for me especially, to be in one place. Here are my top five Melbourne moments:

Morning coffees, weekend brunches, on the way to the city or to the infamous Sydney Road. It's in the middle of nowhere, but it's a definite local favourite, and a favourite of mine. I really fell in love with their passionfruit muffin. They should make it more often. I also love their green pea fritters. 
  • Italian dinners... and desserts
Cavallino's where we always sit in the same corner, greeted by the same waitress, eat the same creamy gnocchi pasta. Then obligatory stop at Brunetti, a.k.a. dessert heaven, for a box of delicate mini cakes and tarts. On cloud nine. Too full to move.

  • Hot stuffy summer
I arrived in the beginning of winter in 2013 and couldn't wait for Summer to arrive. Winter in Melbourne is damp, cold, and miserable. Summer, I found, was damp, stuffy and almost suffocating unbearable, as well. However, there were moments where everything was perfect. Like at the Convent, picnicking on the grassy mounds, with sangria in one hand, food in another. The Victoria Night Market, with sangria in one hand, food in another...

  • Backyard
Similar to the summer story above, I loved our backyard in the warm weather. The summer barbecues in the backyard, with the new barbie we got for Christmas. Movie nights with a bed sheet screen and a projector, friends in camping chairs or on mattresses and pillows. Naps in the hammock under the fig then later the walnut tree. Rainbow lorikeets' morning visits to peck at our abundant fig supplies.

  • Hipster coffee snobs
Last but not least, the hipster culture, the cafe culture, the very things I came over to Melbourne seeking. I got what I'd asked for. Hipsters are the norm in Melbourne. Every guy, it seems, has thick frames and beards, turned up jeans with funky socks showing. Tattoos are in, as are piercings. Plus lots of graffiti. There are great cafes and restaurants around, Melbournites are very spoilt for choices. Lucky you.

I've been living a very lucky life here in Melbourne. Lovely city, even lovelier house with fantastic housemates. I'm going to miss them and my life here, but it's time to return across the ditch to good 'ole New Zealand. For the time being, anyhow. I have big plans for the rest of this year. Until it comes to be realised, I am crossing my fingers. Hard. Will let you know, very soon!

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