Dinner place : la Crêperie de Josselin
Sunday, December 18, 2011
S took me to a crêperie for dinner. I did not realise, but there are a bunch of crêpes places around the Montparnasse station, because the trains from here depart to and arrive from Bretagne; the Bretons set up shop here as a result.
This restaurant does not accept credit cards. The atmosphere was warm and bustling, packed with people and loud with conversations all around. The tables were small and cosy, the décor in a true Brittany style, the white lace covers for lamp lights, bowls for ciders. The plates were so pretty as well !
Had a house specialty crêpe salée, then a dessert one with fig jam. Loved. By the time we were done, a crowd of people had formed, waiting for their turn to be seated. A very popular place, for tourists and French alike.
La Crêperie de Josselin
67, rue du Montparnasse
75014 Paris
01 43 20 93 50