Pregnancy essentials

Friday, August 17, 2018

Little Miss L turned 100 days old this week. It’s a Korean tradition to celebrate this rite of passage for babies with a party, traditionally decorated with lots of rice cakes. My parents had so much fun planning the event out with lots of balloons and even a customised banner for Little Miss L! 

Coincidentally it also marks the end of the fourth trimester of pregnancy and Little Miss L can no longer be called a newborn, boohoo. I mean, she’s already in size 3 nappies and taking weekly swimming lessons these days, which, by the way, she and I both really enjoy.

Looking back into my pregnancy before Little Miss L came along - a period that seems yonders ago - here are a few essentials that got me through those bumpy months:
  • Dresses - so comfortable and so easy to get in and out of. The two dresses I wore the most were a LBD from Cue for chic office wear looks and a bright Gorman number (pictured) for more casual days. 
  • ASOS maternity leggings - they may have the only maternity thing I bought apart from the hoodie my mother in law got me for Christmas. 
  • Uniqlo stretchy jeans - they were the only pants I could fit into right up to the end of the third trimester, being super stretchy. 
  • Lots of pillows - for around the bumps when you’re trying to sleep. Normally a back sleeper, having to sleep on the sides were so uncomfortable!
  • Long walks - the easiest and the cheapest way to exercise. 

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