
Dessert place: Patisserie Vaniyé

Monday, August 15, 2016

As we approach Vaniyé off the main street of Parnell, one thing strikes me. On the other side of the glass that looks into the small shop, black chic people are serving black chic customers. A black and white French bulldog, possibly another sign of chicness, is waiting patiently at the doors for its owner to take it and her treat back home. Inside, everything is neatly displayed, beautiful delicacies lined up in immaculate presentation. There are three specials that they have to explain to me, layer by layer. It would be easier if they just have the written explanations for those as they do with all the other 'normal' selections. They all look so pretty, I take my time deciding. Unfortunately, there are no desserts in verrines at Vaniyé today. Tant pis.

Patisserie Vaniyé
1/7 Windsor St,
Parnell, Auckland 1052
Patisserie Vaniyé Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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