
Brunch place: Restaurant le Meurice

Monday, June 13, 2016

Just because we are not spoilt rotten enough already during our holiday in France, we were invited to brunch at a palatial hotel restaurant on rue de Rivoli, the famous address of the likes of the Louvre museum, Tuileries Gardens, and Angelina's.

Only a five star hotel with history can be awarded the palace class. Hôtel Meurice has been in business in Paris since 1815, first on rue Saint Honoré then moving to the current address in 1835. Its famous clienteles over the years included kings, politicians, and film stars. Salvador Dali was also a longtime regular at the hotel, of which restaurant Dali is named after. The other restaurant bears the hotel's name itself.

Restaurant le Meurice is currently headed by the celebrity chef Alain Ducasse, who is the first chef to have three Michelin stars in multiple restaurants in multiple cities: Paris, London, and New York. What an honour!

The brunch consisted of buffets: starters, charcuterie, cheese, and dessert selections, and menu items: poached eggs and a choice between lobster, chicken, and vegetarian. Guess what I chose? The Canadian lobster, without question.

The thing about buffets is that when you want to try everything but they won't all fit in your limited stomach space, it becomes.. uncomfortable. It's the unfortunate story of my life. Let me tell you, I tried my best. The brunch at Restaurant le Meurice was the one and only meal for us that day - and a very satisfying one at that!

Merci beaucoup for inviting us to the lovely restaurant!

Hôtel Meurice
228 rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris

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