
French Radio Stations

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Music has been a constant backdrop in my life. During my teen years in Christchurch, I used to listen to the radio constantly, a habit which my younger sister quickly picked up.

I got used to working with the music turned up loud in my laid back office back in Auckland. Once in Melbourne, I still had the music on to drown the silence as I worked alone in my home office.

Now in Bordeaux, I try to listen to French radio and TV shows to help me immerse in the culture and language.

Some of the music are not French at all, sadly, but here are my three radio stations:

  • Virgin Radio New - There are several web radios available, but I like the New best. You have to change the setting by clicking on the icon next to the play/pause button.
  • Radio Nova - I know a few French friends of mine listen to this radio station. 
  • Fip Radio - Ditto. They play a lot more variety of music, from classical to classic to world to modern... 

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