Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) David Gelb

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jiro has been making sushi since he was nine, but even after almost 75 years of sushi making, he says that he has never hated his job once. How many people could say the same for his/her own job? As a sushi chef, Jiro practises the same techniques day in, day out, but for him, they are opportunities for improvement. It is a never ending process. His sushi bar hardly has room for nine people, and lacks even a toilet, but bookings are taken in months in advance and each dish is as high in price as its quality taste.

Jiro's sushi is described as an orchestral piece, by a famous Japanese food critique. The simple classic first act is followed by a cadence of improvisations, ending with a final bang that is back to the traditions but with stronger tastes. An art. 

His philosophy may not be easy to adapt in the modern world where people look for quick results and broader interests rather than a specific expertise. Jiro's art is in using quality ingredients and patience in self improvement, as well as love for what he does. He is a true artisan.

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