Happy Valentine's day

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's day! 
I don't really care for the commercial side of these fun celebrations, but I thought I would share a little appreciation for my Valentine this year. 
Le bonheur est fait de petites choses. On l’attend toujours avec une majuscule, mais il vient à nous sur ses jambes frêles et peut nous passer sous le nez sans qu’on le remarque.
Happiness is made of small things. We always wait for the big H, but it comes to us in timid steps and can pass right under our nose without our noticing.
- Katherine Pancol, 'Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles | The yellow eyes of crocodiles'
from here
My valentine tries his best to tame my unruly hair at every opportunity. Because I forget to do it myself. Thanks to him, it does look much calmer and neater than it used to.
His beautiful eyes looking at me makes me smile and laugh and blush at times. Ever so sensitive, he catches all my slight mood changes and reacts accordingly.

A often cooks for me and listens to all my crazy dream episodes most mornings. It's not easy being in a long distance relationship but we are pretty much never apart.
One day soon hopefully we will be able to spend more time physically together. Merci, A, pour tous les petits gestes que tu fais pour moi. A très bientôt ! xx

Today is Valentine's day. Perhaps a few small words or gestures may be sweeter than any chocolate you may or may not decide to give to your loved ones.

Have a lovely day!

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