Last brekkie: Jamaica blue

Thursday, August 23, 2012

 This is a post of my last breakfast in Auckland of 2012, before flying out to Korea for a short internship stint.
 I wonder if Jesus had a last breakfast after his Last Supper. Wouldn't he have? Just before they came to get him? I doubt that he would have had such a feast though. Otherwise there would have been the Last Breakfast, instead. But that's what I had, with K, M, and my sis.
 Sis' salmon and avocado bagel
 K's croissant
 My potato frittata with salsa
M's chicken and leek pot pie.
My last meal in New Zealand of the year, near the Auckland International Airport.

I've not really had time to reflect on what I've done to myself, relocating in such a short period - I still haven't really, actually, haha - but there was one moment at the airport between talking on the phone with D and getting a message from M, that the tears started really pouring down. Sometimes I surprise even myself so much. Why was I crying? I only wish I had had a little more time to say proper goodbyes. But then again, there's not really ever such a thing as proper goodbyes, is there?

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