Dessert place : Le Buci
Sunday, November 27, 2011
An unexpected farewell drinks for a friend, who's plans changed suddenly and has decided to leave France for a bit before returning later on. Sometimes life is like that. Full of uncertainties and change of plans, if not because we have so many options in front of us.
The café was not the best. Classy décor, but didn't go with the rugby on the TV channel and pop music in the background. Less than mediocre service. Wouldn't really recommend it. Honestly, there are much better places to go in the area, which is full of much nicer eating places.
Dessert was pretty good, though.
Drinks a bit pricey.
J decided on coffee.
Enjoyed the company I was with, at least. Last good times together for a while. See you again, soon, A :)
Café le Buci
75006 Paris