I am trying to get better

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I am looking so much forward to my mum coming up this weekend, I feel that I might burst out in tears when I see her, I miss her so much right now!
This week has been so tiring, I suffer from the blues, the mood swings. I want to immerse myself in the cool blue waters, even though I am always feeling cold these days; I want to run and run and run until I am drenched in hot sweat, and my legs are so heavy and leaden that I feel like I might topple over and collapse... So maybe I just want to be wet all over ?! lol
It's probably stress, but this time I don't think I should prescribe myself with sleep because I seem to be getting a fair amount of that these days. I wake up later than usual, and I feel slow and lazy... It's probably more the lack of food, our fridge is almost empty now, and I don't have any to spend until the Student allowance next week; I am so HUNGRY!! Had baked beans on toast for dinner tonight, was so yummy :)
Considering a haircut this winter, maybe in June, short short short, like Audrey Tautou/Agyness Deyn short ?!! Thinking, thinking...

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