Where are your clothes from?

Monday, April 11, 2016

This weekend we went back to our current favourite Mexican place (where the beef taco and nogada are still winning big, and of course we bought another pot of their secret BBQ sauce!) on a double date with a friend I hadn't seen in seven-eight years. The fact that she's a uni friend is surprising given the number of years we have known each other!

Eight years is a long time to fill in, so a good thing we had the whole night in front of us. That girl and her partner had been everywhere! Canada, back to France, back to Canada, and all over South America... We definitely dwelled on her South American experience for a long time, since it's one of my top dream places to visit. Bolivia was the highlight of their three month trip, with its cheap food, its beautiful landscapes and even more awesome fauna and flora - funny looking monkeys and birds, flooded savannah. I can't wait til I get to see it for myself! One day...

It was interesting to see how she had changed. For example, the couple are advocates on locally made things and takes special attention on where their food and clothes come from. Their reasoning is that if your dress is only $20, then you can safely bet that the person who made that dress would have been paid crap. Buying locally may cost more but most likely will be of better quality as well. No Made in Chinas and definitely no Made in Bangladeshs for them! They even use fairphones. While they admit that it's hard sometimes, for example, finding shoes made in NZ needs lots of research and back and forth emailing, they think it's worth it.

After our catch up, A and I checked our clothes and was a little ashamed to say that most of ours are made in China. While we probably will not be adopting the movement quite as readily as the couple, but perhaps we will be more conscious buyers in our next shopping spree.

Image from Unsplash/Hannah Morgan

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