Smart Living Tip: Fitness Tips for Busy People - Get up!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

fitness tips for busy people
How do you fit exercise into your daily life? The sun is becoming lazier about showing its face on our side of the world these days and I need more motivations on keeping the fitness levels up.

Confession time. I've hardly been exercising at all, after the half marathon this time last year.

Really exercising, I mean, where you actually put on your workout gear and sweat it out for one hour or more. There are tons of excuses for my laziness. Not enough time in the morning to get up, exercise, shower and breakfast before getting ready and heading out for work. Not enough time in the evening to come home, get changed, exercise, shower, cook and eat dinner, work on personal projects, then finally sleep.

I have a friend who does gym sessions before going to work every day. How does she do it? Gym and pool memberships are expensive, especially you have some big purchases looming over you in the near future. I need a fitness buddy to keep me motivated. Weekends are filled up with other priority stuff, like catching up with friends, spending time with boyfriend. Blablabla. Then I complain that I feel tired all the time, because I'm not exercising enough.

There is no winning!

Here are some fitness tips for busy or just plain lazy people like me, one post at a time. For those who wants to slot quick sessions in their every day life. Hope they help make you feel healthier and happier:

  • Get up and out -  Get up, get dressed, head out. Don't bother to wash your face or brush your teeth. Unless you look or smell super bad. I go for a quick walk around the neighbourhood, to the nearby hill. It's good to be moving with the morning chill greeting your face, waking you up, listening to the birds chirping, watching the more enthusiastic joggers and cyclers zooming past you. Studies suggest that looking at greenery makes you happier

Any great tips on easy, preferably cheap or even better, free, would be welcome!

Image from Splash/Christopher Campbell

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