Starting daycare checklist

Monday, January 21, 2019

Happy New Year!

It’s been a while! Today was Miss L’s first day at daycare. People keep asking me how I feel about it, if I feel anxious or sad. Not really? I was excited for her meeting new friends her age and size, getting to play with new toys in a new environment. The only things I didn’t really think about was the morning rush and how much I’d miss her cuddles during the day.

Tomorrow I am going to feed her first thing before changing her nappies. That way, if she ever decides not to take her bottle fully like she did this morning, there’d be enough time for a second try.

Here’s a list of things we needed to remember to take to the daycare:
  • Formula and bottle - good thing we have a few spare bottles from when we were trying to get Miss L interested in them, any of them, but she would reject each and all of them. Thank goodness we are over that stage.
  • Nappies - we sent a pack of them and learnt that the daycare puts the name of the baby on each one. We also get notified of every single nappy change with the time and whether it was just wet or had bowel movement. Miss L goes through so many nappies!
  • Change of clothes - in case of spills or poonamis, though they don’t really happen anymore. It’s more likely that she will need a change after playing outside.
  • Hat - Miss L came home with traces of sand stuck on the folds of her limbs and clearly had sunscreen slopped on her, so she must have been loving the outdoors today. Hopefully she’d had her hat on for long enough, she loves yanking it off.
  • Sleeping bag & doudou/blankie - anything to help Miss L settle down for a decent nap. She doesn’t have a security blanket but does have a soft toy that gets put in the cot with her. Now we have one at home and one at the daycare.
  • Book - where parents note the last meal amount and time, and the daycare teachers write all the details of Miss L’s days.
Miss L came home happy and tired from a day full of activities. There were even a few scratches received from her new friends. Nothing to worry about. She’s settling just fine. Now it’s my turn to settle back at work.

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