
Brunch place: Crave

Thursday, June 08, 2017

All you mamas and papas with young kids who need less stairs and more private corners and kid friendly menus, here is a place for you.
All you freelancers who have the freedom to work anywhere where there's good coffee and lots of plugs and free wifi, here is a place for you.
For everyone else, this place is still for you because Crave is almost everything.

Crave is a community cafe in Morningside, a huge warehouse like place with two stories that is great for brunches as well as for dinners. It has a tiny toy shop, artisan displays, and working spaces. 
I have two very different friends of mine who frequent this place, a young mother of a very active and prone to distraction 2 year old boy, and a very single young professional guy. They both love the vibe of the place, its friendliness and its acceptance for people of all walks of life, young and old.

To my friends with young kids who still want to go on a date with their partner, with or without the kids, this would be the place to come to.

Crave Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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