
Turkey Day 2: Turkish banquet breakfast

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Trying new foods is always on the top of my list and I had been particularly looking forward to the famous Turkish breakfast, after reading about it on a magazine article and hearing about it endlessly from L. A took us to a café near her apartment for our first experience of the trip. There were: white breads, olives, white cheese, ecme dip, strawberry jam, honey with cream cheese, tomatoes, orange slices, omelette with cheese, omelette with sausages, fried breads, and, of course, tea. Breakfast in Turkish - kahvalti - means, literally, 'before coffee'. But teas are definitely drunk way more than Turkish coffee here.
Later on in our trip we stayed in various pensions. In Bergama, our host prepared us another similar banquet of breakfast in the morning, which also included yoghurt, fig jams, gozleme, and helva. I love breakfasts the hearty Turkish way!

Before moving on to smaller villages, we decided to explore the maze of Grand Bazaar in Istanbul. From the entrance by the Mosque, weaving our way in and out of various alley ways, our eyes set on hundreds of tile works, jewellery, tea and spices, board games, fabrics, musical instruments, and eyes after eyes after eyes warding off the evil. We spent hours buying Christmas presents and souvenirs, amongst shop owners trying to lure us into their shops in English and French and whatever language the tourists speak. Hmm, perhaps I should have bought this and that and some more of that, too..

One week in Turkey:

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