
Smart Living Tip: Towards a healthy lifestyle

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Travelling plays havoc on your life routines, and when you're looking out for your next accommodation for the week, the healthy meal and workout plans tend to take the backseat. Even if I should be used to it by now... 

So I sought advice from a good friend of mine. 

K is a lady of routine. She bikes to work, works out at the gym every day, and has a healthy social life, with burger nights with close friends once a week. Seemed like the perfect person to ask for help.

'If you really want to know...' she began.

These days she prefers to work out before work, to have more time with her man in the evenings. Wake up time is 5.15am, which seems way too early, but she must be a super woman. Yoghurt and banana in her stomach, she heads to the gym. On the fitness menu:

A. 30 min high intensity class + 15 minutes of cross trainer, or 
B. 1hr pump class,

then shower at the gym, saving on a lot of hot water at home. Smart!

A quick coffee on the way to work, is her small treat for the day. 

'But, what about meals?' I asked. I normally have salad dinners at home, but nearly always eat out for lunch. There are so many restaurants near work, and that's what we have always done at my work places. I wanted to know what she packed for her lunches to work, since I am always up for healthy money-saving tips. Here's what she did this week:

- roast chicken sandwiches
- rice salad
- emergency bread loaf at work to make toasts

On the other hand, K admits that she goes out a lot for dinners these days. 'It's easier to spend money.' 

You don't say.

My goal this week is to pack lunch to work, check out that new gym near work I found the other day, and please go running, at least once each. Copy K until it becomes my routine, too. 

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