
Flight Food: Qantas Auckland-Sydney

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Qantas flight from Auckland to Sydney. Travelling with a friend is better sometimes. You get to leave your luggage with someone when going to the toilets, for example. You also get to try both the menus on the planes. So you can share the one you prefer. 

Chicken penne was a bit too bland, but surprisingly tender. A thought it was flat in taste, but it was also because his choice had a much fuller flavour. A 3 out of 5 from me, a 2.5 from him.
A had the beef stew in chili beans with mashed potatoes. It was average. The bread wasn't top and the butter had a weird texture - I don't usually touch them. A ate all of his. 3/5.

We both liked the Whittaker's chocolate as dessert. A little Kiwi touch. Afterwards there was another sweet treat of Tip Top choco covered ice creams, with choco centre. 4/5 for the desserts.

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  1. We always get different meals on a plane so we can taste both too. I'm glad I'm not the only one that photographs plane food :D

    1. They are not the most flattering of meal presentations, haha.


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