
Scribbles from my travel note

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A dish should not only be pretty; it should also be easy to eat. I was a very sloppy eater at l'Espresso today. Sauce dribbled down my chin. It surely was not a pretty sight, but that watercress salad had too many stubborn stalks that were too hard to manipulate for my liking. Coffee and wine are bar service, as is the actual order. Is this normal in North America, even in such a seemingly high-mid dining restaurant?

Getting to and from Toronto Pearson International Airport is not at all the easiest. To get to my hostel it was relatively easy, but it still required two transfers. Thankfully my luggage wasn't enormous, but my sister definitely suffered from the bus-subway-streetcar combination. However, the best thing about getting to and from Toronto Pearson International Airport is that it is so cheap. So cheap. Only $3! Can you believe it?

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