Osaka day 3: Sushi, fish, noodles

Thursday, November 29, 2012

 Sennichimae area for some sushi I didn't get to have as yet. I was reading up an Osaka guide book the night before and found a recommended sushi place around here. The book said the place was cheap and yummy. That was good enough for me. At first I couldn't find it, and when I did, I was too early. Waiting for noon to arrive, I was tempted to walk into another place, and actually did, but I liked the feel of the place, so came outside again, and waited around rather impatiently walking up and down the shopping streets.
 This area was much louder and brighter than the other places I'd been so far. Funny sushi guy. There were lots of sushi places in the area...
 ...but this is the one I chose to go into. The guy cut off on the left was my sushi guy.
 One look at the menu, eek, this place is more expensive than most! Ah, well. The menu outside didn't have any pictures nor numerical symbols, just numbers in Japanese, which I understand a bit of but not much, especially when I don't know what the numbers are of. What comes first, the fame, or the guide recommendations, which may or may not have put up the once-cheap prices? I have no idea.
 I still enjoyed the sushi, and the sushi guy was nice. This middle aged Japanese man having sushi on my left wanted to make conversation with me, an Asian looking young girl eating alone who cannot speak Japanese. He spoke no English. The sushi guy a little. We made interesting conversation, us three.
 Toilet break. The toilets here have closed off vanity areas for touch ups, and sometimes, little naps, like the lady on the right.
 Gallery space in the subway passageway.
 On my way to the Bay area.
 Another Ferris wheel. As you can see the weather was not as great as the previous day.
 Another recreated food alleyway in Marketplace.
 The "Kaiyukan" Osaka Aquarium, one of the largest in the world. I hadn't meant to go in, but the gallery I had wanted to go was closed for some reason.
 "Look, little fish!"
 It was nice to see so many species of marine life, something I haven't done in a long time. Think the last time had been at the end of my first year at uni...
 Back again to Namba. I found Hozenji-Yokocho Alley!

 Final dinner at Osaka. Upon Dad's recommendation, I chose to have ramen. I don't really like noodles normally, but it was nice. Osaka black noodles, it was called. The noodles place I randomly picked won several awards for its noodles, and a gold prize in 2007 for this particular dish. Think I made a good choice.
 Space Invader!
This last day in Osaka was a little tiring one for me. I treated myself to dessert at Muji after dinner. It's one of those places I would like to bring all my girlfriends, and also my mum. Muji sells clothes and homewares as well as food products, and has a food court. They hold cooking classes, too. The only downside is that there is no Wi-fi, to my knowledge, but it's a perfect place to go shopping then have a rest and chat away with friends, or read quietly alone.

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