Hongdae night out

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hongdae is the cool part of Seoul where the young hang out into the late hours of the night and on and on until the sun is shining bright onto another day. It's where the hip artsy people hang out, indie music scene, street arts, extravagant kareoke places only here they are called noraebangs. There are drinking places and dancing places, but, as I said, the majority are in their twenties.
This was my first night out. It was a farewell party and it was probably the best time I had in Seoul thus far, I had such a good time in a long time. Meeting new people, drinking just enough to feel good, dancing to let my spirits up, until we were sick of the music. Then we spent the few more hours of the night croaking our tired, hoarse voices into some microphones in the tiniest kareoke room. I got home at almost 9am the next day.
There was just enough time to take a shower, get changed into fresh clothes, then head out again for another lunch date, in another part of Seoul.
I know. Crazy.
The party. There were even more who joined for the drinks afterwards.

Barbecue, the Korean style

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