Brunch at home: Lemon Berries pancake

Friday, April 06, 2012

 It's Easter Friday and the start of the holidays!

Last night we celebrated another birthday, with delicious dinner, drinks, cake, games, friends.

This morning I woke up unusually early because the sky looked like this:

And I wanted to have brunch under it like this:

Except with my sister as well. :)
Do you see the pancakes?
Recipe is as follows:

1C flour, 1C buttermilk, 2 eggs, 2T sugar, 1/2t baking soda, grated rind of 1/2 lemon, all in a bowl, blend into a smooth batter. Add 3T melted butter and 1C berries, and mix well. Spread onto a lightly greased pan, on medium heat. When bubbles form, flip the pancake over and cook the other side.
Serve with cream/yoghurt/jam/anything!

I found the recipe on the side of the buttermilk carton, while baking the birthday cake last night. It was enough for ~7 pancakes and made for a rare beautiful brunch session with my sister. :)

I have magnolia trees in my backyard that needs prettying up. My landlord didn't think to put them in pots or anything, just dumped them around the borders. Also I have some dead plants that either needs saving or throwing out. Since I don't have a green thumb or anything... But I will definitely make some bright skirts for the trees, at least.

Today is already half gone, but I still need to clean the house in general, then am going out for an outdoor film session Downtown with mates. Many of my friends have left the town for the long weekend. I wish them lots of fun, and lots of sun, too. While I have cancelled my own travel plans to just stay in and relax chez moi, I don't mind too much.

I'm happy enjoying the breeze and the chirps and screams of birds and cicadas right in my deck today.

Happy Easter, everyone!

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