More than I can handle

Monday, May 30, 2011

Friends have been leaving Paris and leaving behind all their remaining foods with me... Which I am loving because it means I get to save money for more travelling, BUT now I have way more than I have room to store them in, lol. What a happy feeling. I am pigging out all the time. I need to exercise. The sun is making me not want to move much though. Plus, I don't really want to get any more tanned than I already am, now.

Had a really nice brunch with T and J and her friend at my favourite cafe, Watt, near the Cluny museum. By the end of my Parisian stay the workers there will SO get to recognise me, if they don't already, haha. I love the interior and the staff are cool, too, plus its location which is not too loud, and as a bonus, it's pretty near our school.

Afterwards my French buddy H and I went to the movies to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean, that recently came out. It was in 3D. I had to buy a new pair of 3D glasses. I already have a pair, but in NZ. Oh well. I hadn't even seen the second movie, but it was okay. The story wasn't too hard to follow. All throughout the movie I was thinking of my big boy who had been so wanting to see it, lol. It was a pleasant surprise to see Gemma Ward on screen, as well.

Hmm.. All of a sudden I am starting to hear a cheering crowd outside on the roads.. Is there something going on tonight in Paris? Not that I have heard of.. Oh, apparently it's the finals of the French football, League 1.. ;)

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