
Happiness is a habit

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Trip to Manukau City, my first.
Bought an all day BusAbout Pass, and a good thing, too, since I got a bit lost and had to hop on and off a little bit.

Thanks to Gavin, whom helped me on the road, and his colleague Sue, who helped me Google my next bus time on her computer. Also thanks to the bus driver on number 741, who told me which bus stop to get off at, then went the extra way to drop me off near the destination road, because he happened to have gotten off his shift for the day at the same bus stop. He's worked from 4.30am this morning. Wow. And thanks to the beautiful weather, as well, I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you!

Thanks to all of you, I was able to get to my interview safely, and I think it went well. I will possibly have to go there once again for a training, but I'll know exactly how to get there, don't you worry :)

On coming back I was exhausted from all the excitement of running about, so took a "my time" at a local cafe where I'm a bit of a regular. I usually go there for study sessions with Flatmate after dinner, and stay until they ask us to leave, but it was nice just to quietly read the magazines and relax alone, this time.

Tomorrow is the Big 21, getting quite excited as it gets nearer! Received an email from Papa advising me not to drink too much at the party tomorrow night, lol.

Happiness is a habit,
as I've told Papa, I tried to make May a special month for me, and so far it has been a good one. I am going to make it last :)

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